When to Tell & Not Show
Crafting Language Mary Kehoe Crafting Language Mary Kehoe

When to Tell & Not Show

Someone mentioned to me the other day that there was a healthy debate going on in their writing group between showing versus telling as a narrative approach. To writers who have heard the refrain “show, don’t tell,” throughout their careers, this might be a bit of a shock. It would seem that not all are in agreement about what is often considered a writing standard.

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Maintaining Internal Logic & Consistency
Laws of Writing Mary Kehoe Laws of Writing Mary Kehoe

Maintaining Internal Logic & Consistency

Maintaining the internal consistency and logic of our writing can easily slip a writer’s attention, but such issues can be a nuisance for readers. The facts you present must agree with all facts stated elsewhere, but the finer details can become difficult for us to pick out. If you’re worried about committing these kinds of errors in your writing, read on for my advice.

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