Worldbuilding: The Case for a Compendium
Worldbuilding is, perhaps fittingly, a massive, all-encompassing topic that’s easy to get lost in. When you have a world’s worth of detail to develop, it’s hard to tell, not only where to start, but also where to stop so you can shift focus to your actual story. For some writers, developing a setting might even be the end goal. Regardless of why you’re embarking on the endeavor, at some point you’ll likely find yourself asking the question “How do I keep everything organized?”
Enter: the compendium.
How to Write Engaging Dialogue
Wondering how to create electrifying dialogue that catches your reader’s attention or conveys emotion in a scene? Let’s talk about it.
Creating Compelling Characters
Last time on The Ingredients we looked at the setting as a starting point for your story. Now let’s look at starting with the drivers of plot: characters.
How to Shape Your Setting
Stories can come from many places. Maybe you want to explore a particular philosophical angle or maybe you’ve thought of a fascinating character. Don’t forget that your setting can be just as enchanting a starting point. In this week’s blog, we’ll be using setting as an anchor point from which to conjure your story.
How to Write Captivating Sentences
A writer might be describing the best thing since sliced bread, but if their sentences are dull, readers aren’t likely to stay engaged. The way the words sit on the page and on the tips of our tongue can enchant a reader.
Though some kinds of writing are meant to be perfunctory, there is room for art in many instances.
Evoking Setting & Mood
Atmosphere can make or break the immersion that writers strive to achieve, both in fiction and nonfiction. Let’s learn how to craft an effective one in this week’s blog.
Outlines: The Road Map for Your Work
Starting with the structure of your work can not only strengthen your writing, it can also save you lots of time and effort down the road. But where should you organize all of your ideas? This week we’ll be looking into writing outlines.
Writing Fundamentals: Structure for Longevity
In the first of a series on the fundamentals of writing, we’ll be looking at building writing structures that stand against the sands of time.