Passive & Active Voice
Crafting Language Mary Kehoe Crafting Language Mary Kehoe

Passive & Active Voice

Why is it that people laud active voice while passive voice is derided? Is it a rule or preference to favour one over the other? To put it simply, if there wasn’t a use for a particular style, it wouldn’t exist, so let’s examine these more closely.

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How to Write Captivating Sentences
Crafting Language Mary Kehoe Crafting Language Mary Kehoe

How to Write Captivating Sentences

A writer might be describing the best thing since sliced bread, but if their sentences are dull, readers aren’t likely to stay engaged. The way the words sit on the page and on the tips of our tongue can enchant a reader.

Though some kinds of writing are meant to be perfunctory, there is room for art in many instances.

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